The departure
of Speedway from Hampden Park in 1973 heralded the temporary collapse of Glasgow cycle speedway although three tracks remained
at Hampden, Kingsway and Queens Park. This dependence on speedway for survival can be accounted for in two possible ways.
Firstly, the ambition to be a speedway rider steers many youngsters to cycle speedway circuits and secondly, and by far the
most important reason, speedway meetings provide a regular meeting place for riders and team managers alike and unfortunately,
when this facility is no longer available, communications break down and interest declines. Fortunately, in recent years,
more effort has been placed by the sports organisers in keeping riders informed by letter and telephone, coming to rely less
on the word of mouth transfer of information.
in June 1975, some ex-riders began appearing at the Kingsway track; notably hic Mackie, Dave and Ross Henderson, the Caffrey
brothers, Ronnie young, Iain Morrison and Colin Grant. On one particular Sunday that month, a full individual match was held
despite the fact that only four machines were operational. Several other old hands appeared regularly, as well as some new
faces. Colin grant, who had the luxury of two machines, organised mid-week matches against some lads from East Kilbride. Although
Colin had difficulty in fielding a team, the one that eventually took to the track had a distinctly “Hampden Rebels”
look about it. Colin Grant was one of the few experienced riders in the side, which included first-timers Rob McNulty, and
Brian Grant. Roy Varty joined in the match and made an instant impression, with three exclusions from three rides! Rob McNulty
scored three points and Brian Grant failed to score in a match, which was won by East Kilbride.
winter was drawing closer, several practice sessions were held at the Hampden track, recently shortened by work done on the
bowling clubhouse extension, and, incredibly, Sunday practices continued during the winter with a match being held in January
on the now defunct, Queens Park.
the Spring of 1976, Colin Grant’s appearances were limited due to soccer commitments but Rob McNulty, Brian Grant, Roy
and Derek Varty and newcomers, Tom Baggley and Jim Wilson, continued to practice regularly at the Kingsway track. Eventually,
another fixture was arranged by Roy Varty with East Kilbride, this time ending in a draw. The “Mount Florida Flyers”
team also raced a return match on a football pitch in East Kilbride, losing 41-37.
practice meetings were held throughout the Summer, with two matches being raced against, similarly organised, Edinburgh sides.
In addition, several matches were arranged by Chic Mackie against a visiting Hull party.
after, several of the Flyers split away from the Kingsway organisation and, under the guidance of Ronnie Young, racing was
held each Sunday at the Hampden track, with Ronnie devising many interesting match formats. The largest of these meetings
was the Hampdenapolis, which involved thirteen riders competing for several prizes donated by Ronnie. Veteran John Spiers
won the title with Dave Henderson and Roy Varty taking the minor placings.
winter was respected and a break from racing taken by all riders. The start of the 1977 season saw a slight loss of interest.
A series of matches was held between two teams of Glasgow riders, captained by Roy Varty and Rob McNulty.
done on the bowling Club extension, and incredibly, Sunday practices continued during the winter-with a match held in January on the,now
defunct, Queens Park track. In the Spring, of 1976, Colin Grant's appearances were limited due to soccer committments but Rob McNulty,Brian Grant, Roy and Derek Varty and newcomers Tom Baggley and Jim Wilson continued to practise regularly at the Kingsway track. Eventually, another fixture was arranged, by Roy Varty, with East Kilbride, this time ending in a draw. This Mount Florida Flyers' team also raced a return match on a football pitch in East Kilbride, losing once again 41-37.
Regular practice meetings were held throughout the
with two .sides. In
against a
matches being aced against,sim~larly organised,
.add i t i cn , - several matches were arranged by Chic
visiting Hull party. - . .
Shortly after several of the Flyers 'split' away from the
Kingsway organisation under the guidance of
Ronnie Young, racing was held each Su day at the hampden track, with Ronnie devisin
many interesting match ormats. The largest of these meetings was the Hampde napo Lf s , which in ,olved thirteen riders conlpeting for several prizes donated by Ronni • Veteran John Speirs won the title with
Dave Henderson and Roy farty taking the minor placings.
'I'h i.s win ter ras respected and a break ffom racing taken
by all riders. The starf of the 1977 season saw a slight loss of interest. A series of matches was held between two teams of Glasgow
riders, captained by Eoy Varty and ilob 1~cl'Jul ty. Sunday practices
were again the order of' play but the opening of ,-<:dinburgh Speedway resulted in an upsurge Sf interest in the Lothian area; one of~the
major factors in Ba~pd9~'s journey
along the road to sUCCess and nationwide respectability. Challenge matches at junior and senior levels were held in Glasgow and ~dinburgh resulting in the eventual
formation of the Lot h i ap Area League, of which Hampd e n became a member team, under the guiding
hand of nonnie Young. Following an
.e n j oyab Le trip to nui i , i where three matches were won in a nine rna t ch
tour; nampden raced thelir first Lothian League fixture'against an
Sdinburgh'C' team in whfi ch they went down 80-76. I'he .Hampd en team
that day was Roy vartY'fOnnie Young, Brian Grant,Jim ?!ilson,Tom Bae;gl'
Colin Grant,Iain "MOrrisrn and liob ~::cKulty. Two other matches wo re \ los t during Augus t , but Harr.pd e n broke their duck even tua l Ly , b~ beating Bdinburgh'A'.by 80-1'7 attIampdeno:..'fhe final League table
saw Hampden sitting in
creditable third spot.
The Lothian.r'ders
Individual Championship was held in September, with Ray Var y taking second place
to Stewart Baxter.
Anlaby and
'l'r nby again travelled from hull, to be
bea ten by Hampden, ending the
eason.on a hi~hri.ote.
During the
cl se season, several other teams joined the Lothian League and the ine up for 1978 was Eampden,Kingsway,Forth, Bridgend ,Portote'llo, Mea' owbank and Champions ,Annfield 0
Ex-nampden navk, Neil Gra;nt, returned to racing in tin1e for the first Ieague ma~ch,after a five
year lay-off, against Bridgend, which Hampdenl won 111-62. A good run of wins followed-and wi t.h the match aga.i ns t Annf'Le Ld r ahe ad , Hampd e n looked forward to a
great fixture. I'he ma t ch took place in Lay at ria mpd e n and the n e be L
turnei in a br i Ll i an t performance to win by -:'.'ient;y three oints. .
The rest of the season followed as i u.i La.r pattern ofcrushing victOries!' wi th Harrpd e n winning a l ! twe n ty four ma t c he s to become the Lothian 1/:
formidable ;Jool of riders with Neil Grant a~d lain ~orrison having al I
fantastic season,iloy Varty finishing on top of the League Averages, ii Too Ba gg l ey Lmpr-ov i ng tremendously and Rob Kc1\ul ty ,Derek Var·ty, '1 !
standards match by match. Team spiri ~ was boosted immensely after i I
a mi d-ese a scn we e ke nd at Hull, arranged by lain l\:orrison, during which. I Hampden won all four matches, including a couple of lasy heat deciderl
. i
It was these SUC0esses against National League sides ; i
and the lack of top class opposition in Scotland which made Hatnpden (I
!: I |
end of tie season, Ha~pden bad built up a |
Colin Grant,Paul 1,~c:;:uarrie, and Brian Grant all raising .their |
consider the possibility of entering the National Leaguein the nAW |
Preliminary discussions were held with Le?gue Secretary,
Gene Bailley, and.it was established that there was no apparent
opposition to Hampden entp-ring the League's second division. At the I
A. G. M. of the League, in December, Hampden were unanimously accepted 11 into a new format League containg both first and second division clubs. The existing Division.Two trophies would be retained and awarded to theh~gnestplaced club. with second division st.i-fusand the winner of a second division Individual.
Transport~roblems were sorted out, and Neil Grant, who bad taken over from Rorinie Young as team manager at the end of |
the successfuil978 sea sol'), arranged for sponso r sru p from Ja:n'3s Be a ton of Beaton's Coaches. ?his'belp proved invaluable to the club during the S8ason and amounted to the equivalent Qfabout £400. In a year when
over £1000 passed through Treasurer Ro~ !;':cl::ul t;Y' s books, this was a significant assistance and every endeavour will be made to secure similar help in future seasons.
As well as competing in the A.S.C.National League ,the i
club also took part in the newly formed' Scottish and I'yne e i d e League } ~nd ~n the local S tra thclyde
,Lea~~s. Hampden picked up -t.he s~ 1 ve~ware 'j In tne Stathclyde League and Lnd i v i dua I but a lack of the d ed i.ca t i on , I so effectively applied in National League e ncoun t.e r s , forced the club ; into the runners-up spot in both the Scottish League (by 1 point) and in
the Individual final (when Torn Baggley was excluded while leading the eventual winner).
The future
of the Hampden dub depends
to a great extent on the enthusiasm of the riders and their willingness to travel thousands of miles in a season since no amount of effort by a team manager can create a winning team if these qualities are not present in the riders, as many well meaning team managers have found in the past.
HH!PD~N'S A.S.C.NATIONAl 13;AGU~ campa i gn be gan j af t e r a couple
0: f'a
s e e t ar t s j when • f t r-s t 5:1e }:e'{.' 1:ills track was not r e ad y for use after tile hard wi n t.e r , then Stoke elected r.ot to battle against t h'e b l i zzards on thei r journey north, wi th,.2. ccnv i nc i ng win over Che sham
Gorrets, spoLscred by ihe Bury ccac2hirers,rurners.The riarr.pden track
stood up well considering the severe frosts of the previous months
t and the new concre te footslides remained· solid despi te being cons tru c t ed ] I with snow on the ground. The electric starting gates performed admirablyl I
and their speed of operation s-urprised all riders.
The first of the season's Snglish excursions began wi th a three point defeat on a tricky Stoke circuit,recently soaked in an early morning "snowe r s vI'h i s was to be-Hampden's first taste of racing on a track where high speed was maintained into each bend and not reduced hc:lfway along
. the s t r-a.i.gh t s Ph i
was to stand the team in good stead in future trips across the Border.
After a night's rest in the pi ts at Car r s ','[0 od , the team travelled
the short distance to 3ast Kanchester where a rather narrow but grippy track did not cause the Hampden riders any problems against an, at times~
unen thusias ti cSas t Kanche s te r side.
Later in the day, at the long denton circuit, the team were Vlell I
beaten, with the effects of the long weekend beginning to shoVl although rtoy Varty put up the first of many tremendous performances against
first division-classed sides. Hampden were praised for their smart turn-out before the :natch, sporting as·always, the racing gear obtained with the help of sponsor James.TIeaton.
The horr.e ma~ch against'Hetkmonclw1ke,who travelled with fourteen